Where: Stratton Open Space (1504 Ridgeway Ave)
Ride Leader: Holly Rysewyk
How: No-drop ride with occasional effort with full regroup. We are going to be on quite a bit of single track. These are all green trails with no significant obstacles. Come expand your skills! We will be riding through Stratton Open space, up Goldcamp to the collapsed tunnel, then over to high drive up and down and return up Goldcamp and through Stratton open space.
ROUTE: https://www.strava.com/routes/3236774541626823378
DON'T FORGET FRONT/REAR LIGHTS!This ride is open to SOCO Velo members only and prospective members (FIRST RIDE ONLY WITH WAIVER). We do offer a free 30 day trial membership if you know someone who would like to ride, but is not yet a member.